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The San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association extends its sincere appreciation to the sponsors. The sponsors choose to participate at this venue and contribute to the foundation as part of their annual marketing investments. Their financial support is recognized and appreciated by thousands at the largest event in West Texas. Most importantly, it assists the foundation to promote the agricultural education to the Youth of Texas and promote a Western Lifestyle.

The San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association welcomes any inquiry to participate with sponsorship or advertising. All investments into the 501 (c) (3) non-for-profit foundation help grow our mission of investing in the future of agriculture development of 4-H and FFA students. The rodeo and livestock venues see more people in three weeks than any other comparable event in West Texas. The annual economic impact of the grounds is estimated to be approaching 40 million dollars. As one of the most prestigious rodeos in the world, these 13 performances put your name in front of 65,000 coliseum spectators. The fourth largest livestock show in the nation is impressive by pulling entries from over 75% of the states counties with nearly 16,000 combined entries. When a name goes up, it reaches over 200,000 viewing people by the time the final day has arrived. And that is only the month of April! The facility is managed by the staff and hosts events year round.

Rodeo and Livestock Show sponsorship requests are handled internally through the marketing department. From chute gate signs and title night sponsorship recognition, all the way to single day activation during the stock show and rodeo, there is no easier way to feature or grow brand recognition than with this West Texas event. Please contact the marketing department at 325-653-7785, or send an email to the Rodeo Manager at josh@sanangelorodeo.com



National Brands


Rodeo Sponsors


Premium Sale Platinum Donors


Livestock Sponsors


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