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Meet the Ambassadors

Paige Polk, Captain

Paige Polk, Captain

Paige Polk is a third year member of the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Ambassadors. She is the daughter of Wade and Tamara Polk. Paige currently lives in Stevenville, and attends Tarelton State University. There, Paige, studies Agricultural Business. Paige is blessed to be representing the Program with her partner Ringo.
Ellen Boness

Ellen Boness

This is Ellen's fourth year with the Ambassadors. She is the daughter of Chris and Ellis Boness. She lives in Stevenville Texas and attends Tarelton State University where she is sudying Agricultural Business. Ellen is the CEO of Double E Wellness, LLC and provides PEMF therapy to all animals! Ellen looks forward to representing the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association this year with her horses Jazz, Gru, and Little Blackie!
Halli Gest

Halli Gest

This is Halli’s fourth year on the SASSRA ambassador team! She attends Water Valley high school as a junior and is involved in FFA, NHS, and Varsity cheer. When she is not with the ambassadors or doing something social related, she loves to help her family out on "the ranch." Halli and her horse, Chorizo, are so thankful and excited to represent the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo again this year!
Callie Nickell

Callie Nickell

Callie is a fourth-year SASSRA Ambassador! She attends Wall High School as a Junior where she is involved in FFA and H2O. She is currently a Parliamentarian for the Wall FFA chapter. Outside of Ambassadors she shows pigs, and judges horses through FFA. Callie is excited to be representing the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association with her two horses Sunshine and Reba.
Chaney Pickens

Chaney Pickens

Chaney is the daughter of Ivy and Steve Pickens. She lives on a ranch in Concho County and is a freshman at Wall High School. She enjoys running track and is passionate about represneting the San Angelo Rodeo Ambassadors with her horses Reece and Sugar. She is anticipating another great year of rodeos with the SASSRA!
Kaylee Scott

Kaylee Scott

Kaylee is a third-year ambassador and is a Freshman at Miles High School. In school she loves to participate in UIL, basketball, softball, and track. When she is not with the ambassadors or doing something school related, she loves working on the ranch with her family and participating in 4-H events. She is excited to be representing the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association again with her horse Lady, Blondie, and Preacher!
Ava Claflin

Ava Claflin

Ava is a third-year ambassador who is a graduate of Central High School. When she is not participating in Ambassador activities you will find her at local barrel races and playdays. She is a San ANgelo native and is proud to represent her hometown, through the SASSRA Ambassadors with her horse, Louie!
Rylee Bowen

Rylee Bowen

This is Rylee's second year on the SASSRA Ambassaor team! She is the daughter of Mike and MIndy Martin. She attends school at Central High School as a Junior. She spends her time at the ranch with her family and her horses Vegas and Tiger. Rylee is happy and blessed to be representing the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo this year!
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Ambassador Program Leadership

The SASSRA Ambassadors are coached by Susannah Mann Massey and Kennedy King. The program is under the direction of Misty Weishuhn and Bridget Carr.
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