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Junior Rabbit Show

Date: Feb 14, 2025
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The Junior Rabbit Show is open to all Texas junior exhibitors. The show will be composed of three divisions with each division consisting of their own respective breeds. Market-Trio Fryer; Commercial, and Fancy divisions available. All recognized ARBA breeds are eligible to show. All rabbits must have a legible and permanent tattoo in the left ear and the tattoo must be sent with the entry form at the time of the entry. For more rules and regulations please review the Livestock Premium Book.

Please remember that all junior exhibitors must have completed the Quality Counts program and have a Quality Counts Verification Number! All Junior Show entries must be submitted through the student's County Extension Agent or Ag Science Teacher!
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Feb 14, 2025 | 7:00 AM
Feb 14, 2025 | 8:00 AM
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